Christmas Fun: Girls Sleepover

My two granddaughters and I had a girls’ sleepover recently, with lots of fun, giggles, and sugar, but not much sleep.

We filled the evening and morning with lots of girly activities, something I was not particularly fond of as a youngster, and did not experience raising three sons, but am enjoying immensely with these two cuties. Their smiles and enjoyment are contagious.

We began the evening by painting our fingernails, all thirty of them, in a multitude of colours and sparkles…

After enjoying cheesy pizza and candy cane ice cream for dinner washed down with iced tea, we bundled up for an outside stroll around the block to inspect the Christmas lights. These girls are loyal; they voted our light display their favourite:

Our outdoor trek was followed by hot chocolate and painting our toenails, which we figured would hold up better after donning socks and winter boots for the outside adventure. When the toenails were dried and smudge-free, we changed into our pjs, matching Christmassy ones Grandma found just for the occasion:

We were supposed to roll out and bake cookies next (the basic sugar cookie dough was premade on Grandma day last Wednesday) but as it was already past bedtime, we decided Grandma would do that part solo and have the cookies cooled and ready for decorating in the morning.

After a pancake breakfast and healthy green (cucumbers were detected, and grudgingly consumed) smoothies, the decorating began:

When the cookies were glammed up then packaged for safe transport home, the girls enjoyed a dance party while Grandma cleaned up the sticky mess. (Not so) fun fact: sprinkles are like glitter, they end up everywhere!

I’m not sure who enjoyed themselves more, the girls or their Grandma. The only glitch was the actual sleepover part. They insisted on sleeping together in the same bed, something neither of them is used to, so quality sleep time was not ideal, but to be expected at a sleepover. It did not help that at not quite four years old, the younger one wanted to stay up with the eight-year-old who is a bit more accustomed to staying up past bedtime.

I hope they make it through the rest of the day today without any meltdowns due to exhaustion and sugar consumption.

Either way, it was unanimous: we have to do it again soon! Maybe next time I will convince them to sleep separately.

Did I tell you I have a third granddaughter arriving in the new year? Not that she will be enjoying sleepovers anytime soon, but eventually we will let her join the fun.

That will make for three of each, a balanced six-pack of grandchildren.

Next up? A sleepover with the eldest of the brothers that were excluded from the fun last night. Grandma might need a nap first!