Moderation is Key, or is it?


Do you believe “moderation is the key” or do you live by the “you can never get enough of a good thing” motto? Hubby and I differ in our opinions here.

Too Much of a Good Thing

When you find a “deal” do you (or are you tempted to) buy more than you need? From food items to household products to clothes, I like to buy only what I need when I need it, especially things I have never purchased before. I like to test drive items before I buy in multiples.

Someone else in this household, however, (did I tell you we are empty-nesters?) is like “oh, these jeans are on sale, maybe I should get three pairs so I won’t have to buy any for years.” If I did this I would probably forget I purchased the other two (identical) pairs. Shoes are another item hubby buys in bulk, shoe boxes line his closet, all with the same shoes in them.

The only time I admit to (perhaps) going overboard is when I’m perusing the garden nurseries. In that case, I can never get enough, and too much doesn’t occur to me. Especially plant sales or clearances. I love to nurture sad-looking plants, as most on clearance racks are, back to health.

Things in Moderation

Many things are said to be best in moderation.

Red wine comes to mind for me. I regret drinking more than two glasses when the resulting pounding headache the next morning reminds me I had too much. I can however handle more than two margaritas, especially the “skinny” variety I love concocted with Bubly and no triple sec.


House cleaning is something else I practice in moderation. My mother was a clean freak, me not so much. I do enjoy a clean house, especially the smell of a clean house. I enjoy it even more so when someone else has done the cleaning. Way back when my sons were young and I was working two full-time jobs (because that’s what you do when you work outside the home and are a mom too) I had a cleaning lady. Tuesday afternoons I would come home to an awesome-smelling, clean home. What a treat that was! The biggest problem with that arrangement is that I would run around tidying up the house Monday evening…in moderation of course.

Sitting still is yet another thing I do only in moderation. I can sit and read a good book, or watch a good movie on TV, occasionally. I’m not very good at sitting through an entire movie though without getting up to throw in a load of laundry or folding said laundry.

Fortunately for me, and my waistline in particular, I enjoy junk food in moderation. Very sugary stuff I am not that fond of as sugar gives me a sore throat. Treats like ice cream and dark chocolate though are my favourite indulgences.

What do you enjoy in moderation or excess? Please share!

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Bubly Advertised by Michael Bublé at Superbowl

Bublé sells Bubly during Superbowl

Did anyone else love the new Michael Bublé commercial during the Superbowl last weekend? As both a Bubly and Bublé lover, I admit to a giggle or two. Neither of them get old, to me. Even though it was his third consecutive Superbowl commercial about the popular carbonated, sugar-free, calorie-free drinks, the content has been different each time. With new varieties in flavour of the sparkling water introduced on a regular basis, this year pineapple and peach Bubly were the newest features.

What is Bubly?

Although I have historically never been overly fond of carbonated beverages, I do like Bubly; perhaps it is less carbonated than others. These drinks are a great way to incorporate water into your daily regime, staving off dehydration and its effects on your health, with no added calories to deter your diet.

Even my almost three-year-old granddaughter loves Bubly. She calls them “bubbles,” too young to understand the play on words between bubbly, Bubly and Bublé. Autocorrect doesn’t get it either, changing my Bubly to bubbly each and every time. My granddaughter and I also share a penchant for preferring our bubbles at room temperature rather than ice cold, so we often split one when she is here.

Bublé sells Bubly during Superbowl
my current stock contains these varieties

Recipes Using Bubly

I have also developed what I call a “Canadian Margarita” recipe that features lime-flavoured Bubly along with tequila, freshly squeezed lime juice and maple syrup. Served in a glass rimmed with salt, it is delicious! Perhaps I should send Mr Bublé the recipe!

So far, lime is my favourite flavour, with cherry a close second. That was before I knew pineapple was a thing. I do love pineapple, so am anxious to give it a try. Did you notice the pineapple one is opened in the picture above? Perhaps a Pina Colada recipe is on the horizon.

I just bought a box of both new varieties, pineapple and peach, proof that commercials do work. Especially ones with Michael Bublé in them.

Bublé sells Bubly during Superbowl