Burt’s Bees: 100% Natural Products

Burt's Bees

I would like to introduce you to the awesome line of 100% natural skincare products from Burt’s Bees. If you haven’t already done so, you should try them. My skin is ultra sensitive, so I have to watch which products I let touch my skin.

I’m not quite sure why I am hooked on these products as I have had several encounters with some not so friendly bees in my gardening career. Generally though, I do love bees and do my best to support their dwindling presence.

Burt’s Bees products are made with authentic beeswax with added vitamins, ingredients, and nutrients depending on the product. This is an excerpt from their website describing what is and what is not in their products…

There is a wide range of Burt’s Bees products available from lip balm to dark spot corrector. To check out or purchase these amazing products through Amazon, click on the links below the specific pictures…

Lip Balm

Night Cream

Day Lotion for Dry Skin

Gel Cleanser with Hyaluronic Acid

Hand Cream with Almond and Milk

Replenishing Gel Cream With Hydrate and Glow Complex

Dark Spot Corrector with Bakuchiol

Deep Cleansing Cream with Soap Bark and Chamomile

Facial Oil with Rosehip Seed Extract

Nourishing Body Oil with Vitamin E

Reawakening Eye Gel Cream

Poison Ivy Soap

This was recommended by a reader, have never tried it myself. I found a link for it on amazon, although it does say the product is not available. I plan to look for some in the stores in time for next cottage season.

My Favourites…so far

So far I have tried the facial oil, the deep cleanser and the dark spot corrector. I love them all, especially the way they make my skin feel. I also love the light scent too although I am not sure how to describe it. Natural, perhaps honey-like?

The deep cleanser is perfect for removing the dirt from my gardens as well as the sunscreen the dirt is stuck on. I purchased the dark spot corrector to see if the revolutionary ingredient of Bakuchiol, a natural alternative to retinol, can help diminish the dark spots I have been trying to erase from my face for 24 years now, ever since I was pregnant with my youngest son. I just started using this product, will let you know if it is effective.

Burt's Bees
bakuchiol is extracted from the leaves and seeds of the Babchi flower, native to India and the Himalayan regions of China and Pakistan

9 thoughts on “Burt’s Bees: 100% Natural Products

  1. I don’t see Burt’s Bees Poison Ivy soap among the products. It works well on poison ivy, but not easy to find on shelves for sale. I keep mine hidden so when I need it I know where it is.

      1. too bad… the couple of bars that I have I ration. I ordered them directly from the company decades ago when I couldn’t find them on local store shelves. We have lots of poison ivy around here. I have found that the key is in washing the oils, etc., off with just about any soap and plenty of water…as soon as possible. Also, pouring hydrogen peroxide directly on the opened blisters is also helpful. I have numerous first-person stories about poison ivy…none pleasant.

        It occurs to me that possibly the company still makes/sells the soap, but not explicitly for poison ivy.

          1. I just looked, apparently they discontinued their bar soap fairly recently. It doesn’t mention poison ivy soap at all, It wasn’t a very sexy product, but it sure did deal with poison ivy. One of the commenters said they understood that they discontinued bar soap.

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