True Romantic? Meet Susan Carton

true romantic jewel co

Susan Carton has created this exciting new business titled True Romantic Jewelry. Susan just happens to be my second cousin. Although we live far apart, social media has enabled our widespread extended family to keep in touch. Sharing our experiences, good and bad, is easier than ever!

Much like myself, Susan quit her corporate job at the age of 52 to pursue her own dream. Creating her own jewelry, promoting other designers she admires, repairing and cleaning jewelry is much more rewarding and exciting. I am so proud of her for joining the freedom 52 club.

What Services does True Romantic Provide?

Who better to explain just what the business is all about than Susan herself:

Are you a True Romantic?  Susan Carton is

Where is True Romantic Jewelry Spa & Boutique Located?

True Romantic Jewelry Co is currently physically located in Rhode Island. Of course, the spa services and cleaning/repairs while you wait are done only if you happen to physically be in her vicinity. With modern technology, however, online consultation and shopping is easy peasy, lemon squeezy as my granddaughter says.

Online Shopping Option for Jewelry and Gifts

For those of us not located anywhere near Rhode Island, True Romantic does offer online shopping. Order unique jewelry and gift items with delivery services anywhere in the world. Susan’s advice and consultation can be accessed through email, Facebook messenger, Instagram and more. My recent purchase of a bypass family ring was completely dreamed up on FB messenger, chatting with Susan, with insured delivery from Rhode Island, USA to Ottawa, Canada in under 24 hours. Impressive!

True Romantic Jewelry Co

If we have improved at one thing throughout this pandemic, it has to be online shopping! I am no exception. As long as you are aware of the potential for scammers and less than quality items offered online, it can be very convenient.

Private Parties

The True Romantic jewelry workshop is more than just a place to learn new skills – it’s a warm and inviting space for great people to get together and have a fun time learning and making something new.

There are so many ways to join the fun – book a private party (up to 6 of your favorite people), come as a couple to make wedding bands, sign up alone to a scheduled workshop and meet other great people! Susan can’t wait to meet you and see what you dream up together!

Are you a True Romantic? Be sure to visit the jewelry selection on Susan’s website to see what catches your eye.

Dealing With Stress, What’s Your Best Method?

dealing with stress

What’s your tried and true method for dealing with stress? Experts have their opinions and advice of course but many of them are not that easy to follow. 

With the costs of just about everything soaring, most of us have financial stress of some sort these days. If not our own financial woes, then that of our children, or grandchildren, which in turn causes stress for us. Stress can be a vicious circle but for optimal health, it should be managed.

Exercise Reduces Stress

One of the things that experts advise those dealing with stress is exercise. This one I can get behind as I do find there is nothing like a good long, fast-paced walk, especially when the sun is shining, to rewire my brain. The good news here is that you don’t have to belong to a fancy gym to get the required exercise. This is especially significant in light of the fact that financial issues are at the top of most peoples’ stressful list these days.

Achieving Financial Responsibility

Easier said than done, I know, but sometimes a simple spreadsheet works wonders for sorting out what is coming in and what is going out each month. Obviously, if you are spending more than you are making, you have a problem.  Especially if this is going on every month with no “end of the tunnel” in sight. It’s called living a champagne lifestyle on a beer budget, or, more simply, living beyond your means. This practice is non-sustainable, irresponsible, and very unhealthy.

I know I’m a bit of an Excel junkie but a piece of paper with two columns works just fine. Start by deciding which are necessary expenditures (like mortgage, taxes, utility bills, car payments, insurance.) Then the “nice to have” expenditures such sports programs, gym memberships, fast food and entertainment costs. Depending on how much bigger your expenditures are than your income, you then must decide which costs you can live without. Just performing this simple exercise is a way of dealing with stress. 

The trick is sticking with your decisions! It’s not advised to cut out all the fun/frivolous stuff in your life but cut back on them. For example, instead of spending $100 per week (I’m just using hypothetical numbers here) on fast food (coffee, lunches, etc.), budget for $100 per month. You just shaved off $300 per month! 

Cleaning Works for Me When Dealing With Stress

For some reason, I start cleaning like crazy when I ‘m stressed. Things that don’t get done every day, like the inside of the refrigerator, closets, etc. The sense of satisfaction when I’m done helps calm me down. Why I don’t know but it does. 

Music and Dancing Are Both Great Stress Busters

Often I see people walking with earplugs in and assume they are listening to music as they walk. That’s a great idea, my hubby does that when I’m not walking with him, he says it makes the walk go by faster. 

I like to turn up the volume on my Amazon music (free with Prime membership) playlist when I clean. 

Laugh More

I know you might think there’s not much to laugh about in your life when you are stressed out but find a way. Whether it’s hanging out with your grandchildren (mine always make me laugh) or watching a funny movie, laughter helps when dealing with stress. That’s because a good laugh boosts the immune system which in turn battles stress hormones. 

Gardening or Getting Out in Nature Work Great Too

I love gardening, so it is a form of stress relief for me. Some people may find it stressful though, and that’s ok. Getting out in nature is a great alternative if gardening stresses you out. 


I hope you’ve noticed that these suggestions for dealing with stress are all easy and inexpensive (free) to do. Find your own favourite method and get moving, your health depends on it. 

Feature Photo: pexels-photo-626165.jpeg

Stop Worrying About Your Kids? Never!

stop worrying about your kids

When do you stop worrying about your kids? The short answer? You never do! I hate to be the bearer of bad news for those of you stressed out with young kids or teenagers but it doesn’t get better. And maybe you’re not (legally) responsible for them after they reach adulthood but that doesn’t lessen the load. The issues that you worry about are different. But you still worry.

Young Kids to Teenagers

Parenting young kids has its unique stresses, as does the teenage phase. You worry whether they are sleeping enough, eating enough or healthy enough, getting enough exercise…..lots of enoughs. Then there’s peer pressure when they get old enough to care what others think of them, and you start to worry about whom they hang out with. Not to mention what they are up to when you’re not around to supervise them. Your worries evolve but you never stop worrying about your kids.

Dating Phase

Somewhere between worrying about your little kids and your teenagers’ behaviour and choices, dating comes in to play. It seems to happen earlier and is much more complicated these days but we won’t go into that. Suffice it to say I’m glad my sons grew up when they did. 

It’s really tough (but important, unless they ask) as a parent to keep your opinions, especially the negative ones, to yourself. My judgement was (and still is) that I want them to be with someone that respects them, their family, their choices, etc.

Financial Knowledge

With the invention of etransfers and other online banking advantages, writing cheques are a thing of the past but balancing accounts is not and never will be. Learning simple accounting (the earlier the better) is a must to be financially stable as an adult. Some kids are spenders, some are thriftier and better savers. Both, and all the ones in between, need to learn the basic rule though that what comes in (to their accounts) should be greater than what goes out. As parents, we sometimes have to continue the lecture well into their adult years, until it becomes ingrained into their lives and financial stability (and a good credit rating) is achieved and maintained. If it ever gets there. If not, or until then, we never stop worrying about our kids.  

stop worrying about your kids
Photo by Pixabay on


Towards the end of their teenage phase, you worry (more) about their education or their lack of interest in one. Are they learning the right stuff? Are they prepared to go out into the big, bad world on their own? What should they take at college or university? Or, do they have to go to either to succeed in life?

It’s tough to decide at seventeen or eighteen (or earlier) what you want to be “when you grow up.” Of three sons, one of mine knew what he wanted to do in grade nine, one had no clue whatsoever, and one couldn’t make up his mind about which university courses to take. On the latter note, it would be interesting to know how many young adults change majors or academic directions during their first few years in post-secondary school. Also, how many flunk out or quit voluntarily because the path taken was not their choice but one their parents decided for them? Personally, I would love to see the first year (or even two) of post-secondary school be non-designated. Students should be able to take courses within multiple disciplines to see what they like, are good at, and even what they do not like or are not good at. On their own, without parents deciding for them. I’m digressing, again.

Permanent Partners

When choosing their permanent partners, we still worry about our kids. Once again, we want them to be loved for who they are, what they bring to the relationship, respected for their choices, and so on. As parents, we can only teach our children to seek those qualities out in a partner and offer the same in return. And hope they listen. It is tough though, as blending beliefs, financial stability (or lack there of), cultures, parenting backgrounds etc can be difficult, especially when one is not willing to compromise or listen to the other. Communication is the key to successful relationships, short and longterm.

Actually, I believe this is the greatest and most stressful worry as this phase of their life has the most repercussions if things go sour. (Which seems to happen lots these days) It’s one thing (and stressful, for sure) when relationships break up in high school but it’s (potentially) much worse when finances, property, and especially (your grand) children are involved in later years.

When (if) the Grandchildren Arrive

When your grown kids have kids of their own you have yet another type of worry. After you celebrate being a grandparent, of course. There is nothing quite like the grandparent role. Although, I doubt you ever stop worrying about them either!

The best thing about being a grandparent is that you get (sort of) a do-over. All the things you wanted to do with your own children but didn’t have time or patience for, somehow get done this time around.

The bottom line? You never stop worrying about your kids, from the moment they are born to the moment you leave this earth.

photo credit: pexels-photo-897817.jpeg