Drone Photography at the Lake

My nephew Jack is currently enrolled in videography at Durham College. His talent for video production and photography has been obvious for years to those of us that know him well. His latest passion involves capturing breathtaking footage and pictures with drone photography.

If you have a business that could use his talent and skills, contact Jack through the email address listed in the photo credits below. He currently lives in Ingleside, Ontario area but will travel to the Ottawa area and cottage country.

On a recent visit to our family cottage, he took some amazing pictures of our property and the lake. Click on the pictures to enlarge this selection of his drone photography. That is Jack, my son, and a friend in the boat on the lake. I plan to enlarge and frame one of these for my hubby’s upcoming birthday…

They are all so gorgeous, my dilemma now is choosing just one to enlarge and frame. Which one do you like best?

Update on Drone Photography

I finally decided on one of Jack’s drone photography selections and I could not be happier with my choice. It looks awesome framed above our bed at the cottage.

drone photography

Try Posterjack for Your Framing Options

Use my link to order prints from Posterjack, they have tons of options to choose from. The process is simple. Send them a JPEG online, the site will tell you if the resolution is good enough for the size of picture you want. I also used Posterjack previously for stretched canvas pictures of my garden and my favourite farm, as well as an awesome picture of our cottage years ago.

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