A Big Butt Might Help

Right now I am wishing I had a big butt.  Why?  Because if I did, my butt might not be so sore.  

Let me explain. This morning as I went out to clean the freezing rain off my car I slipped on my front sidewalk and down I went, landing on my bony butt.  My flailing hands prevented my head from hitting the cement too hard, but now my left wrist is sore too.  

I guess the good news is I did not hurt my back as that might be harder to recover from.

The worst part was, my accident could have been avoided.  I had given myself plenty of time to get to my dentist appointment just in case the roads were bad.  The forecast had predicted freezing rain, but when I looked out my window, the sidewalk appeared to be just wet and not icy.  I also should have chosen safety over fashion; I was wearing my cute boots with very little tread on them, much better suited for bare sidewalks.

After sitting in the dentist’s chair for a while, my muscles really seized up so getting back into my car was tricky. I did manage to get myself back home in one piece though.

I am hoping that by tomorrow I will feel better, as I am tired of sitting (more like standing or lying) around doing nothing all day.

freezing rain