Relationships Need one Rock and one Kite…

relationships need one rock and one kite

All the successful relationships I know of are made up of one rock and one kite…

The Rocks in Relationships

The rock is the one that thinks with their head and not their heart, (do NOT read “heartless” or  “cold-hearted” here), can be counted on to tell you the truth even when you don’t want to hear it,  can handle the truth even when it’s not pretty, and always seems to have their feet firmly on the ground.   This person has firm beliefs (I did NOT say “narrow-minded”), morals, and ideals.  They are extremely loyal and dedicated to their partner.  They are also very appreciative of the role that their kite plays in their relationship.

The Kites in Relationships

The kite, on the other hand, likes to soar.  This person has a great imagination, is often creative, is a bit of a dreamer, and can be impulsive.   Many decisions, good and bad, are made based on emotion.   Kites love to meet new people, take on new challenges, and rise to the occasion.   They often need to be tugged back to the ground (read “reality” here) by their rock before they make irreversible and expensive mistakes.

Which are You?

I am well aware of which one I am and am extremely grateful that my husband is my rock.   The voice of reason coupled with unconditional love and support has helped me through the most challenging and stressful times in my life to date.

Which one are you?  The rock or the kite?  Whichever you are, make sure you have the other in your relationship to complement each other for success.

Look around you, how many successful relationships that you know of do not have one rock and one kite?

Successful Relationships Need one Rock and one Kite…

successful relationships

This post on successful relationships was written years ago, but is still one of my favourite, even though it does fall into the virtue signaling category of how not to blog…

All of the successful relationships I know of are made up of one rock and one kite.

Who is the Rock in a Successful Relationship?

The rock is the one that thinks with their head and not their heart, (do NOT read “heartless” or  “cold-hearted” here), can be counted on to tell you the truth even when you don’t want to hear it,  can handle the truth even when it’s not pretty, and always seems to have their feet firmly on the ground.   This person has firm beliefs (I did NOT say “narrow-minded”), morals and ideals.  They are extremely loyal and dedicated to their partner.  They are also very appreciative of the role that their kite plays in their relationship.

And Who is the Kite?

The kite, on the other hand, likes to soar.  This person has a great imagination, is often creative, is a bit of a dreamer, and can be impulsive.   Many decisions, good and bad, are made based on emotion.   Kites love to meet new people, take on new challenges and rise to the occasion.   They often need to be tugged back to the ground (read “reality” here) by their rock before they make irreversible and expensive mistakes.

Which are You?

I am well aware of which one I am and am extremely grateful that my husband is my rock.  A sometimes annoying rock, but a rock none the less.  The voice of reason coupled with unconditional love and support has helped me through the most challenging and stressful times in my life to date.

Which one are you?  The rock or the kite?  Whichever you are, make sure you have the other in your relationship. At the risk of repeating myself, I will say it again…

All of the successful relationships I am aware of have one rock and one kite.

photo credit

Dear John, I Found Your Rock

dear John

Dear John, as promised, I found a rock for your garden. It’s a beauty; pinkish-colored rock with specks of black mica to sparkle in the sun. Just like the one you admired in my front garden, only much bigger.

Dear John

John was a dear neighbor that passed away from cancer recently. Last summer I helped him and his wife reconfigure and enlarge the garden in their front yard. We left room for a large rock, but it could not be just any rock. You see, John was a geologist and loved rocks. He had a specific one in mind. Although we looked for one last fall, we could not find the perfect rock. I have a much smaller rock in my garden across the street from his that he admired. I was on the lookout for something similar for their garden.

When John passed away I consulted with our neighbors to see if they liked the idea of purchasing a rock for John’s garden in lieu of flowers at the funeral service. Knowing of John’s love for rocks and nature in general, everyone was on board and willing to help. I continued my search for the perfect rock. 

Recently I talked a client into removing this beautiful rock from a garden site he wants me to modify. The rock just happened to be the pink and black version I was searching for. Many thanks to Michael Blackie of  NeXT restaurant. After hearing of my search for John’s rock, he donated the rock (free) to the cause. Another neighbor volunteered to remove and deliver the rock to its new home as I did not have the equipment to do so. Thanks, Sean Fagan of Shamrock Home Upgrades, The grandson of yet another neighbor received a bonus ride on the tractor.

I am so grateful to live in this wonderful neighborhood that is full of kind, caring, and compassionate people like John. Every time I see his rock sparkle in the sun I will be reminded of his cheerful grin and sunny disposition.