Happy New Year: Cheers to the End of 2021

man desperate to get from 2021 to 2022

What a year! Last year at this time we were so looking forward to a better 2021 as 2020 brought us the Covid pandemic. Well, the pandemic is still controlling our lives, some more than others. Hopefully, the new year will bring us health, happiness and an end to Covid-19.

The Good Things from 2021

A few good things did occur in 2021.


My husband (finally) retired, after 42 years of service with Bell Canada. On the horizon for the past few years, he decided to stay on when Covid hit in March 2020 as we could not do much else. Almost two years later, he had enough and bit the bullet.

Just in time for another positive thing that happened…


Our fabulous trip to Cabo San Lucas was a highlight. After much deliberation, we got away in mid-November. In retrospect, luckily we got away when the getting was good, as travel restrictions hit hard again shortly after our return.

Introverts Rule

On a less personal note, I was reminded last night when watching Anderson Cooper, Andy Cohen, and Don Lemon hilariously bring in the new year in New York City, that introverts may have actually enjoyed the pandemic. Usually much more serious on CNN, Don Lemon let loose and shared his feelings on the matter, recounting how he enjoyed the less hectic “home time.” Anderson Cooper also enjoyed the fact that he shared more “bedtime” routines with his young son. Those were heartwarming admissions from some very busy, famous people! Perhaps the following New Years resolution will be on their list:

new year resolution


The summer and fall of 2021 were great weather-wise too, with warm temperatures extending right into November, very unusual for this part of the world. We spent more time at our family cottage than ever before, in fact, our docks were not removed from the lake until very late in October. The increased cottage use was partly due to the fact authorities were recommending staycations, but also because one son and daughter-in-law were working from home, so could just as easily work from the cottage as from their home. I loved the extended weekends and the extra time with them and their adorable children. Fresh air, sunshine, and somewhat isolated, the cottage was a perfect spot to retreat to.


2021 did permit me more time to spend with my other grandchildren too. Although online school was in the past and my eldest grandson started junior kindergarten in September, he and I had lots of adventures together before school started. My eldest granddaughter and I took the opportunity too to visit the Beyond Van Gogh exhibit here in Ottawa this past September.

Although 2021 did not provide me with another grandchild to cherish, (the first year in five to do so) I do have another on the way early in 2022. Maybe this baby is predicting 2022 will be a better year!

Resolutions for a New Year

New Year’s resolutions are always easy to make but harder to keep for some reason. Make yours reasonable so you can maintain them! These are great examples of sustainable, healthy resolutions:

cardinal rules in life

Cheers to 2022!


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