Stillbirths, Miscarriages, and Healthy Pregnancies: G9P3A3

stillbirths and miscarriages
Daily writing prompt
How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?

I wrote this story years after my three stillbirths, three miscarriages, and three healthy pregnancies (AKA as G9P3A3) with humor, candor, wisdom, and hindsight, all things I did not have much of at the time.   Hopefully, my story will provide inspiration and comfort to others that have or are going through the frustration and heartbreak of losing a child during pregnancy.

A Large Family

I grew up in a large family, the youngest girl and second youngest of six children, with two sisters and three brothers. Despite that, or perhaps because of that, I have always wanted to have a large family myself.  My husband, on the other hand, grew up with just one sister, so he was more skeptical of the prospect of a large family.  Of course a large family today is probably only equivalent to half the size of a large family back then.

Having Children Before the Age of Thirty

My ultimate goal was to have my children before the age of thirty, so I could be a young mother and grandmother. After three and a half years of marriage,  I stopped using birth control so we could start a family.  It didn’t take long for me to get pregnant, but it took determination and perseverance throughout nine pregnancies within the next ten years to create our family.

My boys have grown up into fine young men.  I hope I have instilled in them the importance of working hard at all their endeavors in life including their educations, careers, and personal relationships.  I hope they make the most of their physical, mental, and athletic abilities, never taking them for granted.

Their grandparents would be so proud of our boys. Our youngest son never met either of his grandmothers, and the other two boys were quite young when they lost their Grandma and Nanna.   I am sure my mother is chuckling over the fact that her tomboy is now the mother of three boys. My father has since passed away as well; the boys all remember him, but we all wish he was still part of our lives.

Conclusions on Stillbirths, Miscarriages, and Pregnancies

I wrote this book for many reasons; the most important one being that it was very therapeutic for me to jot down details of each pregnancy, successful or not, to keep them all sorted in my mind.  Reading them now, filled into full sentences, is the most therapeutic of all.  Of course, it is easier to move on when things have ended on a positive note, and my family is complete.

If you have suffered through miscarriages or stillbirths, I am sure you can feel the pain I went through in the pages of this book.  Even if you haven’t, but have instead sailed through your pregnancies with no problems, I hope you can still read the heartache in my words, and realize how fortunate you are.  Each and every pregnancy is a miracle from conception to delivery; it is simply amazing that problems are not encountered more frequently.

It has not escaped me that the number three appears to be my lucky (sometimes unlucky) number. Three stillbirths, three miscarriages, and three successful pregnancies. Then three healthy sons, and now….three granddaughters and three grandsons!!!

Advice From an Expert on Stillbirths and Miscarriages

Talk about your fears, disappointments, and struggles to anyone who will listen.  This can be a professional counselor or a friend or a family member.   On the flip side, listen to anyone that is trying to lean on you for support throughout their struggles.  I remember a co-worker thanking me for “breaking the ice” as she called it, upon my return to work after a stillbirth.  My co-workers were all very concerned and caring, but no one knew what to say or how to act, so when I started the conversation, they were very grateful.  It is always better to acknowledge someone’s pain rather than ignore or avoid it.

Do not wait too long to start your family.  As my story shows you, things do not always go as planned.  If you are in a healthy, financially stable relationship, and both of you want to have children, don’t procrastinate.  That’s why humans have a nine-month gestation; it gives you time to get used to the idea of a baby in the family.

Work hard for what you believe in and want out of life.  Do not let others tell you that you cannot do something that you believe you can.  Do not believe that you cannot do something until you have tried your best to do it. Do not take anything you have for granted, especially your health, but also your intelligence, athletic abilities, and anything else that makes you different from others.

Last, but not least, when you are feeling down, take a moment to realize that there is always someone worse off than you in any given situation.  Think of the good and positive things in your life, (I do not mean materialistic things), and be sure to surround yourself with positive people that really care about you.  Delete the negative things and people from your life.  Make a written list of these things, referring to it often and adding to the list as you work through your struggles.

Writing a Book

I started writing this book many years ago the first time I was pregnant. Sort of.  My doctor urged me to record my thoughts in a journal when the first pregnancy ended in stillbirth.   Years, many pregnancies, and much more gray hair later, I came across the journal while cleaning one day and decided to transfer the thoughts to my computer.  

The easiest way to write a book is to self-publish. That way you don’t have a room full of books you have to pay for and sell. I used Lulu:

Publish, print, and sell your books globally with our Print-On-Demand network while eliminating the risk and hassle of inventory and fulfillment.


You can choose to pay for upgraded details (covers, editing help etc) but the basic, free version is what I used.   They create and promote the book and only print what is purchased online as they are purchased.  You decide the price you want to charge and then receive a royalty for each book sold. They keep the rest for the cost of creating, promoting, shipping etc. If you are thinking of writing a book, but are concerned about sinking money you may not retrieve into the project give this method a try!

Buy my book from Lulu here. And, now available as an audible book too

Dealing With Stress, What’s Your Best Method?

dealing with stress

What’s your tried and true method for dealing with stress? Experts have their opinions and advice of course but many of them are not that easy to follow. 

With the costs of just about everything soaring, most of us have financial stress of some sort these days. If not our own financial woes, then that of our children, or grandchildren, which in turn causes stress for us. Stress can be a vicious circle but for optimal health, it should be managed.

Exercise Reduces Stress

One of the things that experts advise those dealing with stress is exercise. This one I can get behind as I do find there is nothing like a good long, fast-paced walk, especially when the sun is shining, to rewire my brain. The good news here is that you don’t have to belong to a fancy gym to get the required exercise. This is especially significant in light of the fact that financial issues are at the top of most peoples’ stressful list these days.

Achieving Financial Responsibility

Easier said than done, I know, but sometimes a simple spreadsheet works wonders for sorting out what is coming in and what is going out each month. Obviously, if you are spending more than you are making, you have a problem.  Especially if this is going on every month with no “end of the tunnel” in sight. It’s called living a champagne lifestyle on a beer budget, or, more simply, living beyond your means. This practice is non-sustainable, irresponsible, and very unhealthy.

I know I’m a bit of an Excel junkie but a piece of paper with two columns works just fine. Start by deciding which are necessary expenditures (like mortgage, taxes, utility bills, car payments, insurance.) Then the “nice to have” expenditures such sports programs, gym memberships, fast food and entertainment costs. Depending on how much bigger your expenditures are than your income, you then must decide which costs you can live without. Just performing this simple exercise is a way of dealing with stress. 

The trick is sticking with your decisions! It’s not advised to cut out all the fun/frivolous stuff in your life but cut back on them. For example, instead of spending $100 per week (I’m just using hypothetical numbers here) on fast food (coffee, lunches, etc.), budget for $100 per month. You just shaved off $300 per month! 

Cleaning Works for Me When Dealing With Stress

For some reason, I start cleaning like crazy when I ‘m stressed. Things that don’t get done every day, like the inside of the refrigerator, closets, etc. The sense of satisfaction when I’m done helps calm me down. Why I don’t know but it does. 

Music and Dancing Are Both Great Stress Busters

Often I see people walking with earplugs in and assume they are listening to music as they walk. That’s a great idea, my hubby does that when I’m not walking with him, he says it makes the walk go by faster. 

I like to turn up the volume on my Amazon music (free with Prime membership) playlist when I clean. 

Laugh More

I know you might think there’s not much to laugh about in your life when you are stressed out but find a way. Whether it’s hanging out with your grandchildren (mine always make me laugh) or watching a funny movie, laughter helps when dealing with stress. That’s because a good laugh boosts the immune system which in turn battles stress hormones. 

Gardening or Getting Out in Nature Work Great Too

I love gardening, so it is a form of stress relief for me. Some people may find it stressful though, and that’s ok. Getting out in nature is a great alternative if gardening stresses you out. 


I hope you’ve noticed that these suggestions for dealing with stress are all easy and inexpensive (free) to do. Find your own favourite method and get moving, your health depends on it. 

Feature Photo: pexels-photo-626165.jpeg

Honey Lovers Rejoice in Health Benefits


Did you know that honey has several health benefits? It’s known to have antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammtory properties and aid in combatting seasonal allergies. That’s lots of goodness in a natural sweetener.

The Power of Antioxidants

You’ve most likely seen honey flavoured cough drops and syrup, or been advised to add it to your tea when fighting a cold. That’s because of the antioxidant power in honey. Antioxidants come to the rescue in our bodies when our cells are attacked by free radicals that cause unhealthy conditions and disease states.

Antibacterial Action of Honey

Advocators and medical researchers alike claim that it has antibacterial or antimicrobial qualities:

Honey is a saturated or supersaturated solution of sugars that has strong interaction with water molecules. The lack of ‘free’ water inhibits the growth of microorganisms….When honey is diluted by wound exudates, hydrogen peroxide is produced via a glucose oxidase enzyme reaction. This is released slowly to provide antibacterial activity but does not damage tissue….honey also appears to stimulate lymphocytic and phagocytic activity. These are key body immune responses in the battle against infection.


Anti-inflammatory Results

Medical grade honey (not the stuff in your kitchen pantry) has been shown to be successfufl in treating some burns. Minor, first-degree burns, indicative of pain and redness in the outer layer of skin as well as second degree burns which can involve swelling, blistering and lower layers of skin can benefit from its application.

The Medical grade version is sterilized and collected from bees in New Zealand and Australia. It is sold in gel or paste form and incorporated into dressings.

Products on the market used for treatment of wounds, ulcers, and burns include Medihoney Gel


Consuming honey produced local to you is said to help combat seasonal allergies. That’s because it is made from the specific pollen that is giving you allergic symptoms. So, not only are you supporting local apiaries and small businesses, you would be getting the most effective allergy relief.

Burbidge Apiaries

Speaking of shopping and supporting local, I was introduced recently to Burbidge Apiaries, purchasing their ginger flavoured recipe for myself and a wildflower version for a friend. The cold weather we have here in Ottawa is perfect for sipping hot tea laced with delicious local honey.


In addition to delicious, 100% pure honey, Burbidge Apiaries sells beeswax, honey products, and honeybees, and offers pollination services. For more information, listen to this podcast from BeeKeeping Today with Jeremy Burbidge as a guest: