Morning Brew, a Caffeine-Free Addiction

morning brew

Morning Brew is a free, daily publication, delivered to your inbox, and filled with interesting tidbits of news.  Remember way back, when we used to sit and read the newspaper with our morning coffee? Who has time for that anymore?  This email newsletter provides the same comforting ritual but is much more efficient as it only takes a few short minutes to peruse.

Another bonus? You won’t have a stack of newspapers piling up in the hope that you get time to read them before you give up and relegate them to the recycle bin.

Now that I am not rushing off to a garden first thing in the morning, I have added Morning Brew to my daily to-do list.  It’s right up there with watching Ellen.  My only complaint is that it only covers American news. Generated in NYC, it includes news from coast to coast and border to border, within the United States.

My suggestion for improvement?  Blur the friendly northern border a bit; I sure would love to see some Canadian content in there!

Sign up to add Morning Brew to your daily routine.   Once you are hooked, share this caffeine-free but equally addictive habit with friends and family.

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