Lily Trees for Your Garden

These spectacular beauties are lily trees.  The last two pictures are from my own garden one year after planting a single bulb next to my front lamp post.

These lily trees look beautiful at the back of garden borders where their foliage lasts all season providing a lush green backdrop for other perennials.  I have had problems with japanese beetles devouring other lilies I have planted previous years, but for some reason the beetles do not bother these lily trees.  Their stems are very sturdy, reaching up to 4 feet the first year and 8 feet in three years.  New stems form from a single bulb, with at least 4 massive, gorgeous flowers the first season, and up to 30 in three years. They come in many solid colors, including white, yellow, purple, pink as well as many combinations of those colors.

I have ordered thirty of these lily tree bulbs that are to be shipped from Holland shortly.  Including shipping charges and taxes, they are $8 per bulb.  Please let me know if you would like one or more for your gardens.  They should be arriving soon, to be planted this fall…

One thought on “Lily Trees for Your Garden

  1. How gorgeous are these! Wow. Are these lilies the ones that smell so wonderful? I suspect they need watering, so I won’t be purchasing any bulbs right now, but if we ever see rain again, I just might. LOL! How beautiful!

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