Vinegar: Household Cleaner and Health Remedy

Is the power of vinegar an old wives’ tale or a well-known fact? 

White Vinegar Uses

Vinegar is basically (pun intended, although without a chemistry background it might make no sense) acetic acid and as such makes an effective and inexpensive cleaning agent. 

Being very aware of and sensitive to TOXINS, I do use extra-strength (10%) plain white vinegar for many things.  This extra-strength variety is also called cleaning vinegar; I find it in grocery stores in the same section as the culinary (eating) kind.

Here are a few of the uses of the plain white, extra strength kind:

  •     carpet cleaner
  •     drain unclogger (with baking soda)
  •     laundry cleaner (disinfectant), odour remover (think stinky sportswear), and softener
  • Dust repellent. A swig of vinegar in my homemade air freshener (lemon, peppermint, and rosemary oils in water) is reported to reduce dust. Who doesn’t enjoy dusting less often?
  •     weed killer, but be aware that it is non-selective meaning it will kill your grass too, so is best used between patio stones etc

Uses for the Apple Cider Version (ACV)

ACV, made from fermented apples, has the benefits of acetic acid as well as enzymes, magnesium, probiotics, and potassium.  It has become more popular recently as a dietary aid and home remedy to:

  • relieve heartburn
  • relieve sunburn
  • detoxify your liver and lymphatic system
  • lose weight and maintain healthy weight
  • remove skin tags
  • treat acne
  • clean wounds (antiseptic)
  • balance blood sugar levels
  • lower cholesterol levels
  • boost energy
  • condition hair
  • keep blood alkaline
  • clear sinuses by thinning out mucus
  • clean teeth
  • improve circulation
vinegar, apple cider

That is an impressive list of benefits for both types of vinegar!

How to Use Vinegar

White vinegar can be used as a cleaning agent directly from the bottle for any of the suggested uses listed above. For weeds in sidewalk cracks, I pour some into a large spray bottle. Use caution if your stonework is a dark colour as the concentrated vinegar may bleach the colour out.

Apple cider vinegar should be diluted before use.  To drink it,  add one or two teaspoons to an eight-ounce glass of water.  As a weight loss remedy, drink it before meals.  Rinse your mouth after drinking to prevent erosion of enamel from your teeth.  There are other adverse side effects of apple cider vinegar too, especially if consumed in excess.


So dig out those bottles from the back of your pantry and put them to work as non-toxic cleaners and home remedies. My favourite way to use ACV is to alleviate heartburn. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but it does work!

Body Cleanses, How They Work

ingredients of body cleanses

Body cleanses are currently popular methods to detoxify the body to feel better, look better and possibly even lose weight.  Not just for cosmetic purposes, cleansing is important.

Why Cleanse?

Toxins or contaminants enter the body through the skin, drinking tap water, eating processed foods and even just from breathing air from the environment. After entering the body, harmful microscopic organisms such as viruses, bacteria, parasitic worms, and yeasts live within the digestive tract, feeding off nutrients there. That’s when diseases develop.

Skin conditions such as eczema and many other health issues can result from the buildup of these toxins and contaminants capable of invading the body. To learn how to cleanse your body, ridding it of these harmful toxins, read on.

Can the Body Cleanse Itself?

The body removes toxins on its own, somewhat. The role of the liver is to recognize, and breakdown toxic compounds, removing them from the body through waste.  The liver can get overwhelmed though when overloaded with toxins. When this happens the natural detoxification process slows down or stops altogether.

The colon and kidneys also play important roles in the detoxification process of removing toxins and contaminants from the body. The colon expels the toxins from the digestive system removing them within bowel movements while the kidneys remove toxins from the blood system through the urinary system.

Natural Body Cleanses

Natural methods can be used to reduce the number of toxins the liver is exposed to. Eliminating processed foods, sugar, alcohol and caffeine from the diet are all examples of these methods.  Instead, the diet should consist of a predominance of natural, organic produce and ingredients.

Heavy exercise can also help rid the body of toxins through sweat.

Natural herbal remedies can be helpful as a body detox as well.   Dandelion, turmeric and ginger root teas as well as organic apples, cranberries, grapes, garlic, sprouts, cucumbers and onions all help to detoxify the kidneys.  Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice added to water is effective as a colon cleanse and liver cleanse.

Many of these natural cleansers are ingredients in my morning smoothies:

ingredients for body cleanses

Commercial Body Cleanses

Commercial detoxification products remove the buildup of harmful toxins stored in the body for many years. Cleansing the liver, kidneys, and colon will help restore their natural detoxification effectiveness.

Made of natural ingredients, Commercial cleanses should not cause any adverse effects. Be sure to follow instructions closely.

body cleanses

Chiropractic Care: Is it For You?

Fix and Prevent Mixed Messages to Your Nervous System

Recently I have been seeking chiropractic care for various (un)health(y) symptoms. I’ve shared with you here a recent scoliosis diagnosis, as well as TMJ and arthritic hip joints.

This is the time of year when my gardening season is winding down and I have more time to reflect, and I take the time to care for my physical well-being. With a recommendation from my son who is happy with the treatments he has been receiving there, I turned to Hazeldean Family Chiropractic.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help You?

We seek to find the cause and correct the root of the problem, not just mask the symptoms. Chiropractors are experienced in the function of the spine and nervous system. Our approach, focusing on your overall health, will allow you to function better with less pain and more enjoyment of life.

Hazeldean Family Chiropractic

An added bonus of receiving their chiropractic care is a subscription to the blog that Hazeldean Family Chiropractic provides. As my own blog also features posts on health and wellness, I find the tidbits of advice in their blog very informative and relevant to my lifestyle.

Here is the great advice within the most recent email I received:

You have an amazing healing power in your brain and spinal cord. THOUGHTS (emotional stresses), TRAUMAS (physical stresses), and TOXINS (environmental stresses) can affect that healing power… the 3 T’s. In order to maximize your healing potential, we have to make sure that we address all these stresses…

Thoughts: If you have no control on the outcome of a situation, you must release it.

Traumas: Children slip and fall; it’s an unfortunate part of growing up and playing full-out! Keep an eye out for any recurring pain or pain that does not subside quickly. Remember, symptoms are an indication that something is not right.  Correcting it early will definitely help for a quicker recovery and to prevent any future problems.

Toxins: Studies have shown that diets which are high in carbohydrates have been linked to diseases like Alzheimer’s, macular degeneration, gout and cancer. Lowering your carbohydrate intake isn’t just good for your waistline, it can also have a direct beneficial effect on the prevention of malignant diseases.

New Patient Special

Chiropractic Care:  How it Can Work for You

What are you waiting for? If you live in this area, give them a call to reserve your spot. Contact info is as follows:

Hazeldean Family Chiropractic Clinic.

8 – 484 Hazeldean Road. Kanata, ON K2L 1V4.

T: (613) 831-9665.

If you live elsewhere, do your research, get recommendations, and go for a consult.

I have only received two adjustments in my chiropractic care regime so far, am looking forward to reaping the benefits over the next several weeks. Not just the physical adjustments, but the health advice and relevant exercises too.

Have any of you had experience with chiropractic care?