Body Cleanses, How They Work

ingredients of body cleanses

Body cleanses are currently popular methods to detoxify the body to feel better, look better and possibly even lose weight.  Not just for cosmetic purposes, cleansing is important.

Why Cleanse?

Toxins or contaminants enter the body through the skin, drinking tap water, eating processed foods and even just from breathing air from the environment. After entering the body, harmful microscopic organisms such as viruses, bacteria, parasitic worms, and yeasts live within the digestive tract, feeding off nutrients there. That’s when diseases develop.

Skin conditions such as eczema and many other health issues can result from the buildup of these toxins and contaminants capable of invading the body. To learn how to cleanse your body, ridding it of these harmful toxins, read on.

Can the Body Cleanse Itself?

The body removes toxins on its own, somewhat. The role of the liver is to recognize, and breakdown toxic compounds, removing them from the body through waste.  The liver can get overwhelmed though when overloaded with toxins. When this happens the natural detoxification process slows down or stops altogether.

The colon and kidneys also play important roles in the detoxification process of removing toxins and contaminants from the body. The colon expels the toxins from the digestive system removing them within bowel movements while the kidneys remove toxins from the blood system through the urinary system.

Natural Body Cleanses

Natural methods can be used to reduce the number of toxins the liver is exposed to. Eliminating processed foods, sugar, alcohol and caffeine from the diet are all examples of these methods.  Instead, the diet should consist of a predominance of natural, organic produce and ingredients.

Heavy exercise can also help rid the body of toxins through sweat.

Natural herbal remedies can be helpful as a body detox as well.   Dandelion, turmeric and ginger root teas as well as organic apples, cranberries, grapes, garlic, sprouts, cucumbers and onions all help to detoxify the kidneys.  Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice added to water is effective as a colon cleanse and liver cleanse.

Many of these natural cleansers are ingredients in my morning smoothies:

ingredients for body cleanses

Commercial Body Cleanses

Commercial detoxification products remove the buildup of harmful toxins stored in the body for many years. Cleansing the liver, kidneys, and colon will help restore their natural detoxification effectiveness.

Made of natural ingredients, Commercial cleanses should not cause any adverse effects. Be sure to follow instructions closely.

body cleanses

Natural Alternatives to Supplements and Medications

Indian spices

I love reading about the recommended supplements in Dr. Connealy’s newsletters, especially when the suggested supplements are aimed at symptoms I suffer from.  As we age, we cannot help but notice the changes in our bodies.  Our skin loses elasticity, gains wrinkles, and loses that youthful glow.  Our internal organs, our eyes, our joints, and our brains do not work as well as they used to.

My problem is, every supplement I take gives me side effects that are often worse than the original symptoms of aging.  My solution is to research foods that provide or encourage the formation of the beneficial ingredient contained in the supplement. I then incorporate these foods into my daily diet.  I realize that these supplements provide a much more concentrated form of these wonderful ingredients, but I figure every bit helps.

For example, the newsletter referred to above describes the wonders of melatonin, a hormone produced naturally in our bodies. Melatonin is responsible for enhancing our sleep so our bodies can recharge properly.  Without adequate sleep, we can suffer from brain fog, muscles aches, anxiety, weight gain due to increased appetite, and a weakened immune system. Check out a previous post of mine about sleep deprivation.

Unfortunately, as we age the production of melatonin is reduced.  Our options to increase melatonin are to take a supplement or to increase our intake of foods that encourage the formation of melatonin in our bodies.  These foods include pineapple, bananas, oranges, walnuts, almonds, cherry juice, and dairy products.

Another wonderful ingredient recommended by Dr. Connealy is curcumin which is derived from turmeric root.  I have added ground turmeric to my soups, stews, tea, smoothies, and stir-fries for the past few months, ever since I read that it helps relieve joint pain. Another previous post describes the benefits of curcumin or turmeric.   I believe that I have noticed a reduction in joint pain associated with arthritis.  This is even more significant for me this time of year since the cold weather usually brings an increase in arthritis symptoms.

To see if I can increase melatonin production naturally, I plan to experiment for the next while, making myself a smoothie before bedtime using pineapple, banana, orange, almond milk, cherry juice, and yogurt.

I will keep you posted!

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