Vinegar: Household Cleaner and Health Remedy


Is the power of vinegar an old wives’ tale or a well-known fact?  Vinegar is basically acetic acid and as such makes an effective and inexpensive cleaning agent.  I must admit, being very aware of and sensitive to TOXINS, I do use extra-strength (10%) plain white vinegar for many things.  This extra-strength variety is also called cleaning vinegar; I find it in grocery stores in the same section as the culinary (eating) kind.

Here are a few of the uses of the plain white, extra strength kind:

  •     carpet cleaner
  •     drain unclogger (with baking soda)
  •     laundry cleaner (disinfects) and softener
  •     weed killer, but be aware that it is non-selective meaning it will kill your grass too, so is best used between patio stones etc

Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

ACV, made from fermented apples, has the benefits of acetic acid as well as enzymes, magnesium, probiotics, and potassium.  It has become more popular recently as a dietary aid and home remedy to:

  • relieve heartburn
  • relieve sunburn
  • detoxify your liver and lymphatic system
  • lose weight and maintain healthy weight
  • remove skin tags
  • treat acne
  • clean wounds (antiseptic)
  • balance blood sugar levels
  • lower cholesterol levels
  • boost energy
  • condition hair
  • keep blood alkaline
  • clear sinuses by thinning out mucus
  • clean teeth
  • improve circulation
apple cider vinegar

That is an impressive list of benefits for both types of vinegar!

How to Use Vinegar

White vinegar can be used as a cleaning agent directly from the bottle for any of the suggested uses listed above. For weeds in sidewalk cracks, I pour some into a large spray bottle. Use caution if your stonework is a dark colour as the concentrated vinegar may bleach the colour out.

Apple cider vinegar should be diluted before use.  To drink it,  add one or two teaspoons to an eight-ounce glass of water.  As a weight loss remedy, drink it before meals.  Rinse your mouth after drinking to prevent erosion of enamel from your teeth.  There are other adverse side effects of apple cider vinegar too, especially if consumed in excess.


So dig out those bottles from the back of your pantry and put them to work as non-toxic cleaners and home remedies. My favourite way to use ACV is to alleviate heartburn. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but it does work!

Bulletproof coffee

suspended coffee

photo credit: pexels-photo-4915596

What is bulletproof coffee?  It is a new trend or fad, but not necessarily a healthy one. The biggest reason it is not healthy is because people are replacing a more nutritional breakfast with this coffee.  This coffee contains what is called empty calories because they contain little nutritional value.

Bulletproof coffee is made by adding 1 tablespoon of butter, preferably grass-fed and unsalted, as well as one tablespoon of MCT oil to one cup of coffee.  MCTs, by the way, are medium chain triglycerated fats like coconut oil.

Saturated fats are becoming more popular lately than their “fake” over processed cousins.  The fats in this coffee recipe supress hunger so avoiding breakfast is possible.  They also raise ketone levels in the bloodstream which supplies the brain with energy providing fuel.  The problem becomes when one third (assuming you eat three meals per day) of your daily nutrition is eliminated.

bulletproof coffee

The solution would be to have a bulletproof coffee in addition to your nutritional meals.  That is if you can afford the extra calories in your diet.

Marketing Ploy or Innovative Method?

Is Bell Let’s Talk Day a clever marketing ploy or a generous and innovative method to raise awareness (and tons of money) of mental health issues?

Call me naïve, but I think the latter.  If it was a marketing ploy they would offer to donate 5 cents for every NEW CUSTOMER that tweeted, posted, shared, etc.  Obviously, they could only reward the phone calls and texts from their own customers, but all other methods of communicating the Let’s Talk message were open to all forms of social media, using any account, anywhere.  Rewards were generated from people all over Canada and around the world, regardless of who provides their cell phone or internet services.

Another argument could be made on the fact that BCE ( Bell Canada Enterprises) is not in the health care industry.  Yes, they are a telecommunications mogul here in Canada, but only a company with that status could achieve such success raising money for initiatives they have no monetary stake in.

The fact is mental health is fast becoming a major issue in societies worldwide.  The more people are made aware of the issue, the more money is raised.   The more money raised, the more progress will be made.  Social media is definitely a clever way to promote global awareness.  After all, social media is the reason we now live in a very small world.

I don’t mind saying I am getting tired of all the negativity, the “glass half full” attitudes, the nay-sayers.  Yes, mental health should be talked about all year round and not just on one day.  But, which other major fundraising events, telethons, etc happen more than once a year?  If other companies or groups think they can do a better job at raising awareness and money, let them put their money where their mouth is. What have we got to lose by participating? Not a thing.  Bell is the one footing the bill.

Results are in.  Last year (2017) results tallied 131.7 million interactions which raised 6.6 million dollars.  This year 138.4 million interactions raised 6.9 million dollars.  Good job folks, and Bell, and yes, keep talking!