Poop: Pay Attention to What Yours is Telling You


I realize the title sounds gross, but you can tell a lot from your bowel movements! When my sons were small and came to me complaining of a tummy ache, the first thing I would ask them was “have you had a good poop today?” If they said no, I would cut up some apples, sprinkle them with cinnamon and serve them up this healthy, nutritious, full-of-fiber snack with a large glass of water. This trick worked every time (except when one son actually had appendicitis, but that’s another story). More often than not, within an hour or two they would have a good poop and would then feel much better…

Now that my sons are grown up and rarely tell me about their stomach (or other) ailments, I use the information for myself.  If you look at the Bristol Stool chart below that categorizes poop with pictures, you will see shapes and consistency from one extreme (constipation) to the opposite (diarrhea). Stage three or four is ideal; your bowel movements should not cause pain, the poop should come out easily, without straining, and in the shape and firmness of a sausage (their words, not mine) or a snake.


Regularity is the key, one of these bowel movements a day or every second day is normal.

If you do not fit into the “normal” category indicated in the chart, try increasing your daily intake of water by the glassful or by eating more fresh fruit and vegetables. Taking a pill or other forms of medication (laxatives) to soften your stools or increase their frequency is only a band-aid fix that can land you in more trouble by causing serious side effects and dependency on the medication. The same thing applies to diarrhea; medication should be a last resort, especially if you suspect the diarrhea is caused by something you have eaten or taken.

Constipation can and does happen to anyone and everyone, young and old, but some people more readily than others. Too much sugar, too little water, too much fat, too much protein, and too little fiber can all cause problems or irregularity with your bowel movements. Medications, allergies, and food sensitivities can also wreak havoc on your body, causing constipation or diarrhea. Constipation and diarrhea are your body’s way of telling you something is wrong and a warning that you should change your habits. Of course, if either condition lasts longer than a day or two, you should see your doctor as it could be a sign of more serious problems.

If your children automatically look for a snack as soon as they come in the door, consider having cut-up fresh fruit or vegetables readily available, with or without a dip. Fresh fruit and vegetables are loaded with fiber and contain a large amount of water, both great for keeping their bowel movements in the healthy zone. Another trick I used when my children were young was to add water to their juice cups. (half and half) They would probably tell you now that it tasted awful, but it worked.  Years later, I still encourage them to drink more water and eat more fiber to maintain their health.

Although I usually eat fairly well, I like everyone else, do like to indulge in things that are not so good for me.  It does not take long for my body to react to things like junk food, excess alcohol, and lack of exercise.  Adding fiber and water back into my diet works wonders in getting me back to the right category of the chart.

Off-Season for Gardens4u, The Highlights

Believe it or not, there are good things about the offseason in a gardening business. Gardens4u is no exception.  All season, when I am incredibly busy, I make lists of the things I will get done in the off-season.  Here are a few of the best things…

  • I don’t set the alarm clock.  When my husband rolls out of bed at 545am, he no longer asks me what time I want to get up so he can reset the clock for me.  I get up when I wake up; pure luxury!
  • my house gets a great cleaning.  Last winter I went through each and every closet in the house, decluttering and purging, a chore that was long overdue. The kitchen and bathroom cupboards, garage, laundry room, and file cabinet are on the hit list this year.  The organizations that pick up used clothing and household items love me this time of year. I may even get adventurous and open a Kijijii (Canadian version of Ebay) account to sell some of the big things.  That is if I can convince my husband to part with them.
  • I spend more time reading books.  There are lots of interesting choices on my to read list this year, but I would love to hear your suggestions!
  • I spend lots of time updating my website.  Now, I know that doesn’t sound too exciting, but I love looking at the pictures I took this past season, especially the ones of gardens I planted in earlier seasons.  It’s almost like watching the gardens grow!  Be sure to check out the changes at GARDENS4U and send me your comments and suggestions.
  • I go out to lunch or coffee with friends that I have not seen much of through the gardening season.  Give me a shout if you are in the neighbourhood!  I plan to get back to my hometown sometime soon too to reconnect with some childhood friends.
  • I may even get to the scrapbooks I have been meaning to assemble.  Years ago I sorted “stuff” from my three sons’ childhoods into separate bins.  You know, stuff that mothers keep, like school and sports achievements, mementos, pictures etc.  It was a start, but the bins are still full and the scrapbooks empty.  The plan was to give the boys each a scrapbook on their 18th birthday.  Well, my eldest son is about to turn 26.  Time does fly, doesn’t it?
  • I dream about spring while looking through my numerous garden books and magazines.
  • I hope to transfer all my old homemade VHS movies onto CDs.  I bought a device to do so, just have to figure out how it works.
  • I can write more often.  My best blog posts have been written in the winter months and I even published a book two winters ago.  I have an idea for a new book, but that project needs a lot of work, that may take a few offseasons.

Well, if I am going to get through this list, I had better get off the computer and get started!  Don’t worry Gardens4u fans, you can take the girl out of the garden, but you can’t take the garden out of the girl.  This list is only to keep me from losing my mind while my gardens are covered in snow.