Frightened, Who Me?

We had a scare at our home recently and I’m not sure who was more frightened.  Our son (the youngest one and only one still living at home) had called to say he was staying downtown at a friend’s home for the night.  So, when my husband and I went to bed I turned out all the lights. I usually leave one on when someone is not home yet.  I also left our bedroom door open. When anyone else is in the house we close it as no one but me can sleep through my husband’s snoring.

I’m not sure what woke me up  (I am a very light sleeper) but all of a sudden I sat up in bed.  Our bed faces the door to the hall and I could see flashes of light in the stairwell, reflected in the full-length mirror adjacent to our bedroom door.  Thinking it was an intruder, I nudged my husband and whispered, “there’s someone in the house!”  He bolted out of bed and ran to the door following the flickering light.

Photo by Steve Johnson on

Our son’s room is just around the corner from our doorway; as hubby left our room he could barely make out a figure in the dark of our son’s room.  Hubby banged as hard as he could on the door frame to frighten the person in the room (and others if they were present in the home) who was at that point reaching for the bedside end table.

Well, I’m sure you can figure out, it was our son in his own room, reaching for his phone charger.  He was trying to be quiet as to not wake us, using the flashlight on his cell phone to light the way to his room.

I felt kind of foolish afterward and we even laughed about it, but I’m not sure who was more frightened at the time. I usually hear people come home, (doors opening, toilet flushing etc) even with our door closed.  It didn’t help that recently in the local news we heard of a home invasion in our community where thieves stole credit cards while the residents slept.

My husband is the kind of guy that if someone is threatening him or his family he would go down swinging!  Me?  I’m more of a chicken; I stayed in bed close to the phone where I could call 911 if need be.