Random Acts of Kindness: Pay it Forward!

Random Acts of Kindness: Pay it Forward!

Recently a gardening client gave me a gift card for Starbucks.  Someone had gifted it to her, but she does not go to Starbucks, so she passed it on to me.  I occasionally go to Starbucks for a non-fat, vanilla latte when I am driving between gardens and my energy needs a boost.

Yesterday was such a day.  As I paid for my latte with my gift card, I told the cashier at the drive-through window to use the card to pay for the person behind me in the lineup too.  

Anyone can “Pay it Forward.”  It does not have to be expensive or difficult.  When someone does something nice for you, pass the kindness on, even to a complete stranger.

Random acts of kindness make the world a better place!