Home Remedies or Old Wives’ Tales?


Many home remedies are passed on through generations in families, but some are said to be merely old wives’ tales.  Here are a few I have heard of:

  • honey:  sore throats
  • salt:  sore throats
  • oatmeal: in a bath relieves dry, itchy skin and rashes
  • coconut oil:  makeup remover, after bath moisturizer
  • olive oil, tea tree oil:  ear wax
  • diluted baby shampoo (1:1): itchy or scaly eyelids
  • vinegar: mixed with baking soda, cleans out slow drains.  Weedkiller on lawns, but will kill grass too.  Mixed with water alleviates heartburn.
  • lemon juice: mixed with water cleanses the colon
  • ginger: indigestion
  • turmeric: arthritis and other chronic inflammation
  • cranberry juice: bladder or urinary tract infections
  • cucumbers: under-eye bags

For one of my home remedies, I make a concoction of lemon juice, crushed garlic, vinegar, cinnamon, and honey when someone in my house has a sore throat.  I believe in this, it’s one of my favourite home remedies.  It seems to work for this old wife and my family.  My grown children still ask for this.

Some of the others I incorporate into my morning smoothies for beneficial nutrients.  Try some and see if they work for you too.

Home Remedies
Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV on Pexels.com

Do you have any home remedies that you believe in?