Coconut Oil: What it Can do for You

Coconut oil has many benefits, some well-known, some not so much. For example,  I have read about its wonders in the weight management/diet category recently, but further research revealed lots of other great reasons to include it in my diet.

Medium Chain Fatty Acids in Coconut Oil

This amazing oil contains healthy saturated fat and three medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) called capric, caprylic and lauric acid.  Instead of being stored as fat upon ingestion, MCFAs are processed by the liver immediately forming ketones which supply energy. This makes it very popular in keto dieting.

Ongoing Research on Coconut Oil

As a matter of fact, research is hopeful that energy from ketones can actually help repair brain function in Alzheimer patients whose brains have lost ability to produce energy producing insulin. 

Also interesting and hopeful is the theory that energy produced by ketones cannot be used by glucose dependent tumors in cancer patients.

Another bonus is the fact that MCFAs in coconut oil also exhibit anti-fungal, anti-microbial, analgesic (painkilling), and antioxidant properties.  Basically these properties are beneficial in the treatment and prevention of many health issues including:

  • stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis, digestion problems
  • urinary tract and yeast infections
  • kidney stones
  • arthritis
  • skin problems like eczema, rashes, psoriasis, cradle cap, dandruff, dermatitis, burns
  • high blood pressure and heart disease
  • tooth decay and gum disease (see oil pulling below)
  • liver damage
  • thinning hair or hair loss
  • osteoporosis.  coconut oil reduces bone loss and increases bone volume
  • type II diabetes
  • anti-aging and hormone balance
  • weight loss, losing body fat, building muscle, improving energy and endurance
  • low milk production in breastfeeding moms

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is a simple detoxification procedure used in the treatment and prevention of tooth decay and gum disease. It involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for 20 minutes before spitting it out.

Replace Sugar in Your Diet

A simple way to add coconut oil to your daily routine is to replace the sugar in your diet with the oil. This substitution is especially beneficial when you are fighting a cold or infection.

Remember, sugar is your enemy!  It enhances and encourages the growth of bad bacteria, viruses, fungus, and even parasites. Instead, shut down these troublemakers by using coconut oil instead of sugar.

Presently I add coconut oil to my coffee every morning and bake with it as well. My favourite butter chicken recipe calls for it too.

In conclusion, buy some of this amazing product and try it. Then be sure to let me know what you think.