Salif Gueye Dances Way into Ellen’s Heart

Salif Gueye wowed Ellen and millions of viewers today with his dancing…

With Michael Jackson as his idol and inspiration, 22-year-old dancer Salif is amazingly talented.  He currently dances in the streets (for tips) to showcase this talent.  In fact, a YouTube video of him doing so in his hometown of Paris, France recently went viral catching Ellen’s discerning eye.  His fluid moves are simply (actually nothing simple about them) spectacular.

Salif Gueye

Known for helping to launch many talented performers spiraling them into fame, Ellen may be on to something (someone special) here.  Just ask Justin Bieber. He was invited to her show after Ellen saw his first video on YouTube.  He was so new to the scene that Ellen mispronounced his last name.  Shortly after that appearance, Bieber released his first album.  The rest is now (music) history.

I dare say Salif Gueye is an even better dancer (if that is possible) than Michael Jackson.  What do you think?