My favourite garden style: the English country garden

Although there are many garden styles out there, my favourite is the traditional English country garden.  Watch this video to see what I mean…

I love the non-contrived, informal, whimsical, and natural look!   What is your favourite garden style?

4 thoughts on “My favourite garden style: the English country garden

  1. Beautiful video! It inspired me with all I have to do in my backyard this year. We just put in a large paver stone patio and I have new beds surrounding it. Our landscape designer put in some nice ornamental plants and bushes, but I want to add some color. I’m really looking forward to planting some flowers!

    1. Been storming here as well! Finally cleared up today, but I’m heading to the Indians home opener so no gardening for me today. Hope you have a wonderful day doing what I know you love to do so much 🙂

  2. My wife is an English girl so how could my favorite garden be anything but an English country garden. The only problem is with the drought here in the west we likely will have to cut ours back to reduce water usage.

  3. Ditto Andrew’s comment! Lack of rain is requiring us to really re-think why we plant! My mom’s garden is actually very much the English cottage garden and I feel badly for her that in her 80s she’s forced to think about how thirsty those plants are! But I do admit the English garden is extremely appealing!

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