COVID-19 Timeline

covid-19 timeline

Another COVID-19 post… sorry folks, but as an analytical person I prefer and appreciate information in a visual and structural format.  If you do as well, keep reading for a Covid-19 timeline.

This timeline, written by Stephanie Parker, chronicles the spread of this lethal virus into a pandemic that has shut down our planet.  Starting with a warning from Dr Li in Wuhan on December 30, to the present (April 23rd).  Four months of facts and details.

It is not behind us yet; unfortunately, the timeline continues to grow.  Just how far no one really knows.  Economists and those struggling financially are hoping the world re-opens soon, but scientists are skeptical and hesitant.  In the meantime, we are all holding our breaths and doing what we can to get through this.

One of the things that bother me about this pandemic, far behind the economic destruction, is the judgment and negativity it has spawned.  Hopefully, that too will come to an end soon.

Feature image from Pixabay

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