Crisis Brings out the Worst in Some, Best in Others

I find it amazing how a crisis brings out the worst in some and the best in others. Take the COVID-19 panic the whole world is now in as an example.

We’ve seen it before, many times, although perhaps not on such a global scale.

Ice Storm Crisis of 1998

Most Canadians remember the ice storm of 1998 when many in eastern Canada and the north-eastern USA were stranded without power in their homes in frigid, icy Canadian-like weather conditions. Our neighbourhoods were literally encrusted in ice for weeks. Power generators were stolen, basic necessities stockpiled, and other “worst” behaviours experienced, but generally, I believe the “best” prevailed. Neighbours shared everything from food, BBQs (propane powered), power (generators) and spare rooms, to shower and laundry facilities.

9-1-1 Crisis

Globally we remember the horrific events of 9-1-1 as well as the amazing humanitarian gestures conceived by the evil acts. The stories of bravery, compassion, and genuine heroism were awe-inspiring and heartwarming, reminders of the “best” category of reaction to that crisis.

Today’s Crisis

Today, the hoarding practices going on amongst the ill-informed, panic-driven population is downright sad. It’s bad enough that the hoarding of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, masks, etc, is taking place, but the reselling of these products for profit is disgusting, “worst” behaviour exemplified.

We must listen to and take the advice of the real experts and not the sensationalized, fear-promoting, ratings-driven TV shows and personalities that claim or pretend to be experts. Routine handwashing (something we should already be doing in cold and flu season) and social distancing are the best, and wisest, options to control COVID-19 as well as the bad behaviour and panic it has spawned.

Which behaviour does crisis bring out in you? Worst or Best? Please consider the best option, pun intended!