Avocado Keeps the Doctor Away


Move over apples, the new health axiom is “an avocado a day keeps the doctor away.”

pictures courtesy of Pexels

Why an Avocado is Good for You

Even though a medium-sized avocado adds around 250 calories to your daily intake and 24 grams of fat, the fat is predominantly the “good for your heart” monounsaturated variety.  Avocados also lower our “bad cholesterol” or LDL (low-density lipoproteins) because they contain high amounts of plant-based phytosterols.


How to Incorporate Them into Your Daily Diet

Start by incorporating avocadoes into your daily meals.  Chopped, pureed, or mashed, use your imagination to try avocados for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Just be careful what you eat them with.  In other words, skip the chips.

Keeping in mind that a healthy allotment of fat is 65 grams within a daily diet of 2000 calories, simply replace the fats you have been eating for years with avocado.  Eliminate the “not so good for you” fats like margarine or butter, peanut butter, oils, and mayonnaise.  Avocado toast has become a popular and healthy breakfast treat.

As well as the heart-healthy fat, you will be adding vitamins, minerals, and fiber with this substitution.

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