That’s What Makes you Beautiful

What makes you beautiful?  In the modeling world, beauty means perfect facial features and a tall, lean body.  By perfect, they mean a perfectly symmetrical face.  The eyes cannot be too close together or too wide apart, the mouth cannot be too big or too small, the eyebrows have to be just so.  And don’t forget the nose; a big or crooked nose is just not acceptable.

This reminds me of the old Jennifer Aniston vs Angelina Jolie debate.  Which one is more beautiful?  If you asked Ms. Aniston, she would probably say Ms. Jolie is.  Technically, according to the criteria above, Angelina is probably more beautiful.  On the outside.  What the Jennifer fans know though is that external beauty is not always the most attractive quality one can possess.

In my opinion, beauty lies within regardless of what the outside looks like.  Beauty is not just skin deep.  I remember my mother offering the advice “looks will only get you the first five minutes, after that you’re on your own.”  At the time I was a teenager, getting ready for a dance, so that advice fell on deaf ears.  It did sink in eventually though.

Those who spend all their time preening for a camera and need constant reassurance of how beautiful they are seem too shallow for my liking and are not so beautiful.  The song “You don’t know you’re beautiful” followed by “That’s what makes you beautiful!” by One Direction proves I’m not the only one that thinks so.

One Direction

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