Abortion has no Place in Politics

Abortion is a personal subject and as such has no place in politics.  There are too many different scenarios in which abortion might be considered to enforce (politically) whether one should or should not be available.

chart from Google Images

Do I believe the transition from fertilized egg to embryo to fetus to baby is miraculous?  Absolutely.   Should everyone learn and know these steps and stages of pregnancy?  Again, absolutely. (check out the chart above for a crash course)  Should abortion be used as a method of birth control for sexually (over)active teens?  Absolutely not.   Should it be available to a rape victim?  Yes.   Somewhere in between are a lot of maybes.  I lived through two myself:

Years ago, at 22 weeks into my second pregnancy, I was told my baby would not live to full term due to hydrops fetalis that had already caused a stillbirth in my first pregnancy.  I had no choice but to continue the pregnancy.  Terminating the pregnancy intentionally (abortion) was not an option.  I went through the same thing all over again after two successful pregnancies.  I do not know if I would have intentionally terminated the unsuccessful pregnancies if I was given the option, but this could certainly be a circumstance where I would support the woman’s choice.

So, Justin Trudeau (and other politicians), please leave abortion out of politics.  Screening job applicants to select only those supporting pro-choice (abortion) is ridiculous.  Your own belief and support of the pro-choice movement is just that; your own belief.  Whether or not a woman has an abortion should be a private matter between her, the baby’s father, and her doctor.