Garden Chores to Close the Season

Well, our beautiful fall weather has come to an end here in Ottawa, so I am closing out my GARDENS4U season with some final garden chores:

  • cut back any perennials that get mushy or moldy (hostas, peonies, tall phlox)  Leave the rest for the birds, rabbits, squirrels etc.
  • mound clean soil (just plain, new soil,  no fertilizer) around the crowns of roses and any other less hardy plants.
  • mulch leaves and spread them around the plants in my gardens.  I will probably have to borrow some leaves from my neighbours or clients to do this as the trees in my yard are predominantly evergreens.
  • take any frost-tender potted plants indoors (there are a few I overwinter)
  • put containers that are not cold hardy into the garage (those without drainage holes are especially susceptible to cracking) Store them on a shelf or other spot off the floor.
  • remove any cold-sensitive decorations from the garden and store them (not on the floor) in the garage
  • pick any blooms still thriving; the frosty nights will kill them fast

That will probably end my garden posts for a while, I will have to look elsewhere for inspiration.

Get those garden chores done before it gets too cold out there!

3 thoughts on “Garden Chores to Close the Season

    1. Snow is nice up on the mountains off in the distance where it can not make a mess in my neighborhood. It does sometimes snow just above my neighborhood, but I do not go up there when it happens. It is weird how the snow will not come any lower than a very specific elevation. It did a very long time ago, but that was before my time.

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