Lanark Ontario, Home of Glorious Hanging Baskets


On the way to our cottage, we pass through the village of Lanark in Eastern Ontario.  With a population of merely 800 people, Lanark is a quaint little town, known for its lilacs, maple syrup, Fitz’s Take Out, and the most glorious hanging baskets.


As a gardener, I cannot help but notice and appreciate that someone takes the time each summer to plant, hang, and water numerous hanging baskets, overflowing with colorful flowers…


This is no easy feat this summer as we have had a record amount of hot dry days that have left many a hanging basket wilted and sad looking.  Not so these baskets, they have been gloriously beautiful all summer. Impressive!

Kudos to whomever it is in Lanark that takes the time to plant and maintain these gorgeous, eye-catching hanging baskets. Their beauty is much appreciated.

Oh, and the sweet potato fries at Fitz’s are pretty good too.

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