Having Children: Are you Ever Truly Ready?

When are you truly and completely ready to have children?  Research shows that couples (and singles too) are putting off having children until later these days, some even forgoing the experience altogether.  There are many reasons for this:

  • to compete in today’s workplaces, many young people feel they must have an extensive post secondary school education (one or more bachelor’s degrees, master’s, PhDs etc)  This applies to both males and females.
  • these formal educations financially drain many couples.
  • after all the time and money spent on an education, many (women especially) feel they want to concentrate on their careers instead of raising a family.

That’s a lot of pressure on couples today.  No wonder the birth rates in many countries around the world are dwindling.

I had the pleasure of chatting with a young woman at my dentist’s office the other day.  Our conversation centered around her desire to start a family and her hesitation to do so because of the fact she and her husband do not yet feel ready.  She is in the final stretch of a master’s degree at the age of 32, anxious to finish her education and get on with the rest of her life.  She also expressed fear that she would not physically enjoy being pregnant.

Although I understood her misgivings, I assured her that a couple can never be totally ready for pregnancy, children and the changes they bring to your life.  However, if you are financially, emotionally and physically prepared, pregnancy and the birth of a child can be the greatest experience ever.  Open your mind to the miracle that each pregnancy is, embrace the changes to your body, and try to relax.  Be sure to make and take the time to cherish and enjoy the experience.  I am quite confident offering this advice as I am an expert on the subject of pregnancies.  To see why I feel this way, read a previous blog post on the subject.

In conclusion, you will never feel 100% ready for a pregnancy.  After all, in my opinion, the reason we humans have a nine month gestation period in our pregnancies is to give us time to get ready!

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