Plan your encore career

Encore careers are becoming increasingly popular, especially within the baby boomer generation.  After a stress laden career, baby boomers are often not quite ready to retire completely, so find a way to continue earning money doing something they enjoy.  An encore career is usually something totally different from  the original career.  This change of focus to something more enjoyable and relaxing can be exhilarating and healthy for active baby boomers.

Growing Bolder's photo.


So, if you have been working for years in the same career or same type of job, consider a stress-free encore career.  If you can collect a partial pension or severance package when you leave the old job, all the better.  Find something you are good at that people are willing to pay money for, and start your own business.  It does not have to be a large business and is easier than you think.   You will be amazed at the improvement in both your physical and mental health.




9 thoughts on “Plan your encore career

  1. Great post, Lori! Workaholic Boomers can never really stop working. I am living proof of this! Since I retired at age 55 I have been blogging like crazy and launched my consulting business. I resume teaching at the university in the fall. Love it. My job of 32 years took too much out of me but I got a great pension.

  2. I’ve been looking into that for a couple of years now. Sadly, my industry doesn’t do pensions or severance. All I have is my 401k and savings and so far that isn’t enough to cover my medical. I’m stuck in high tech until I find away to fund my health care without a job before I turn 65 when Medical will kick in.

  3. I enjoy working my current job and yet at some point I will probably need to just decide it’s enough! My family wants me to retire. Maybe I’ll find an encore career somewhere out there that bridges my desire to continue working. Definitely something to think about! 🙂

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