Missing my Mom on her Birthday

Today, June 9th,  would have been my mom’s 85th birthday.  Although she died twenty years ago, it seems like just yesterday to me. I’m particularily missing my mom today but very few days of the year go by without me missing her and her presence in my life.

 I’d like to share a funny story she told me once about her birthday being on June 9.

I don’t remember how old she was when she pulled this stunt, but I still chuckle when I think about it.  My mom grew up on a farm in Osnabruck Center, Ontario.  June 9 on a busy farm meant potato planting time, so every birthday although she dreamt of birthday celebrations, she planted potatoes instead.

One June 9th, she thought she would take the bull by the horns and plan her own birthday celebration, so invited some friends to her home after school. Her mother apparently did not miss a beat, came in from the garden where she was planting potatoes and started making sandwiches and a cake.

I admired both of these great women terribly. My mom was stubborn yet determined and her mom was the greatest multitasker I’ve ever met. I am proud to be descendants of these wonderful women. Hopefully, the apple did not fall far from the tree. ( I would have said potato instead of apple, but even I know potatoes do not grow on trees!)

Although this post is about me missing my mom today, I miss her mom too. The cookbook I wrote was dedicated to this family of great women.